domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

Written activity!

Next class we are going to have the second written activity!
Please review the topics of the present perfect and the conditional sentences 0,1 and 2!
Image result for writing

Useful links:
Present perfect:

HW! due date 22/10/16

Make an interview to whoever you want about some of their preferences and write their answers using the reporting speech.
1.Who do you admire and why?
2.Which is your favorite movie and why?
3.If you had a superpower which one it would be?
4.What do you plan to do for your next birthday?
5.What is your season, and why?
*Make 5 more questions

Answer WB
pg 45 ex C, 46 ex D, 47 B and C
Read chapter 9-11 of "The city of ember"