sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Send me an email

In spanish for it to be super clear

Envienme un mail desde la cuenta de sus padres para tener una actualización de los mails porque muchos me los rechaza, quizá por un pequeño error.

HW 29/03/2017

-Answer WB pg 55 act C, 56 complete, 57 ex. C and A
-Write an informal letter to ask for information about a vacation trip using the structure explained on SB pages 80 and 81.
-Write a letter to a friend about and experience during your vacations using passive voice.
-Finish the open house poster, send it by email to your teacher, when it gets checked, print it for the Open House presentation.
-Answer the reported speech worksheet.

-Practice for the TOEFL test.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

HW due date 8/04/2017

  • Answer SB p. 74 ex. A to ex E.
  • p. 50 ex C, p. 51 complete, 52 complete.
  • Read Wonder until chapter called "Detention"
  • Prepare for the Oral Test (that is going to be next week!!!