sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

HW due date 18/02/2017

  • Finish answering the Open House questions, think of a name of your company and design your logos. Bring me all this in a paper, one per team.
  • answer the online activity (is going to be on this blog on Sunday)
  • Write a letter applying for your dream job (150 words minimum). You have some examples of this in Student Book pg 44 (you don't need to answer this page, just use it as an example).
  • Read the book "Wonder" until the chapter called "The Deal".

Open House Questions

Newspaper Recycling campaing

Next class too we have the newspaper recycling campaing! Bring all the newpaper that you can!

Image may contain: text


In spanish for it to be super clear!

El siguiente sábado 18 de Febrero tendremos nuestro primer examen oral! Este será con el formato de una pequeña entrevista preguntando cosas que ustedes ya saben (experiencias suyas, su opinión en algo, etc). 

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Wonder - Book

Here you have the book online so you can read the following parts:

  • Ordinary 
  • Why I Didn't Go to School 
  • How I Came to Life 
  • Christopher's House 
  • Driving


domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Dates of exams

In spanish for it to be super clear!

Les comparto las fechas de las evaluaciones que tendremos (las que fueron movidas)

  • 11 de Febrero - Primera actividad escrita
  • 18 de Febrero - Primer examen oral
  • 11 de Marzo - Segunda actividad escrita

The Girl song (from last class)


Here are going to be all the powerpoint presentations of the semester!


Written activity next class!

Remember we have the written activity next class, I recommend you to review the topics we have seen so far, especially the past simple.

HW due date 11/02/2017

  • Answer WB page 16 act C, D and E, page 26 act C&D
  • Write a short essay with a description of someone you admire (100 words)
  • Read the first chapter of "Wonder"
  • Have you idea for the open house ready and send it to me by email sag_ag@hotmail.com